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The Paradigm Shift from Redistributing of Plastic Materials to Recycling: Rupin Hemant Banker Group’s Initiative

by admin / Friday, 31 July 2020 / Published in Banker Group, Rupin Banker Group

The use of plastics without considering the pragmatic solution to degrade it has been taking a toll on the environment by destroying the ecosystem. It takes 450 years to degrade a plastic which clearly indicates that within this long time the element will completely destroy the ecosystem and clearly we are noticing the detrimental impact of the same. Temporary measures, bans, prohibition haven’t been effective so far therefore the Banker Group lead by its founder Rupin Hemant Banker has been the leading source to supply these reusable plastic materials to the right person. While working in line with proper regulations from environment agencies, we ensure placing the material properly.

Recently China has restricted plastic importation but the use of plastics and its imports is steeping up in countries like Malaysia, Thailand India, Vietnam, Taiwan. Even there is research to back up this significant growth in the plastic importation in these countries. The reason behind this significant growth is the paradigm shift of Chinese companies to these neighboring countries to sustain their domestic operation. A report stated that a major plastic manufacturing and importation company in China laid off their employees in China and hired in Malaysia to manufacture plastics. This results in a completely new set up of the Malaysian factory reequipping the Chinese products.

It is estimated that there are more than 1000 recycling companies and nearly a majority of them have already relocated their operation outside of the country. As per the latest report, in response to this Chinese ban on plastic import, the UK has already tripled its exports to Malaysia. Now they are looking for alternate locations to place these materials.

Redistributing them to different countries won’t be beneficial if we want to sustain our environment, habitats, and ecosystem. Undoubtedly there are short term economic benefits attached to redistribution but this will destroy our ecosystem. We should be more focused on developing the system to break down the plastic materials and recycling them for good. Countries are reviewing the recycling policies of these plastic materials. However, despite all these measures people have failed to manage an effective infrastructure for waste management.

Since countries are growing awareness about the toxin materials that plastics contain and the potential harm related to it, Japan already started to consider the recycling process. Earlier they used to export a hefty of 510,000T of plastics to China every year which brought down to 30.000T in 2018 which is a significant drop. Although they are still dealing with ineffective product waste management companies. Therefore, they have outlined their processes and explicitly focused on improving the recycling process. ““we will now cover half the cost of introducing equipment to recycle plastics,” said Hiroaki Kaneko, deputy director of the ministry’s Recycling Promotion Division.” Aside from this, they are already growing the awareness in public and national levels to reduce the use of plastic bags.


This is quite significantly clear that a systematic and swift change is required to handle the growing concern and problems with plastics. There is no denial in saying that with the rise of the use of plastics, we have to ensure the recycling of these materials in a proper manner. Recycling of these materials is not only beneficial for our environment but also creates opportunities for end-users. Having an extensive network of end-users for these plastic materials, the Banker group founded by Rupin Hemant Banker takes pride in being able to provide these materials for utilization and safeguard our environment.

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