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  • Real Estate

    The Banker Group’s real estate arm has a track record of successful trades in real estate assets. The Group has asse...
  • Education

    The Banker Group holds the Dubai franchise for the well-known Delhi Public School chain. The Group’s first Delhi Pub...
  • Healthcare

    The Banker Group has expanded its healthcare operations through its Maia Healthcare Dental LLC arm, which operates t...
  • Plastics & Petrochemicals

    Through the acquisition of Dubai-based East Coast Petroleum, the Banker Group has diversified its trading activities...
  • Coal

    The Group’s coal trade keeps the fires of economic development burning in power and cement plants across emerging ma...
  • Steel

    The Banker Group is spurring economic growth in developing markets by delivering high volumes of finished and struct...
  • Pharmaceutical Intermediates

    The Banker Group uses its exceptional sourcing capabilities to deliver high volume quality pharmaceutical intermedia...